
Visit G-idea on Facebook / 與好點子在臉書見

Facebook users can now visit us online on the G-idea Faebook Page, where we will be posting new updates and photos from G-idea team as well as our works and events. Another great way to connect with us!

臉書使用者可以到G-idea Group的臉書頁面找我們,我們會在我們的臉書頁面上發佈做新的團隊消息、相片、影片,還有我們最新的活動、作品消息。歡迎您也可以用這種新的媒體方式與我們保持連結!


Energy Farm's Online Strategy 統一元氣牧場網路行銷策略

G-idea Group is happy to announce our collaboration with Uni-President's Energy Farm brand to create the premium egg brand's online marketing campaign. Beginning with building the brand's official site, extending to the usage of social networking, multimedia to communicate the brand's "soft" message, creating effective interactions with it's consumers.



Tainan Municipal Cultural Center 25th Anniversary Ticket Design 台南市立文化中心25週年紀念票

G-idea has been asked to design the special commemorative ticket for the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center's 25th Anniversary performance. The first performance to take place inside the main performance hall since improvement renovation this year. G-idea is very honored for this occasion, and plans to come up with a design that director Chen says "people will want to collect and look back on 50 years from now."
