
Dutch Design Taiwan 荷蘭設計影像展規劃

G-idea Group is to design the Dutch Design Taiwan Exhibition for the NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investment Office). This exhibition will showcase the work of 18 of Holland's top designers. G-idea will be responsible not only for the space design and execution, but also the exhibition's booklet and postcard set design, as well as the video instillation at the exhibition. We are very excited and honored to be able to take part in this wonderful exhibition!

好點子將為荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處(NTIO)規劃Dutch Design Taiwan 荷蘭設計影像展,收集了18位荷蘭設計師的作品,採用作品以及影像的方式呈現。這次從展場的規劃及執行,到展覽手冊的設計製作,現場播放影片的製作,都是好點子團隊的夥伴一手包辦。好點子很興奮且很榮幸可以參與這項相當特別及有意義的展覽!