
collaborating with the Dept. of PR and Advertising of KSU once again / 再度與崑山科大 公共關係暨廣告系 產學合作

Believing that it's truly fruitful for both parties when industry collaborates well with academic institutions, we are happy to announce that in 2011, GIDEA GROUP will be once again collaborating with the Department of Public Relations & Advertising of Kun Shan University, being one of the strongest departments of it's type in Taiwan, this department continues to win a large amount of the student awards in Taiwan, as well as provide many of the new talents for the Taiwanese advertising and PR industry. GIDEA GROUP is moved by the dedication excellence of this department as well as the teacher's devotion to students.



GIDEA wins 3 2011 iF Packaging Award 好點子榮獲三個2011 iF包裝設計獎

GIDEA is pleased to announce winning 3 iF Packaging Award this year, the third year in a row that we have won the iF distinction.



GIDEA works with Elate! 好點子將與依蕾特合作

GIDEA is pleased to announce that we will be working with Elate on the positioning strategy as well as the overall product packaging design of Elate's new product.



G-idea Group to execute 2010 Tainan Holland Days / 2010府城荷蘭日由再次好點子執行!

We are happy to announce that G-idea Group will be executing the 2010 Holland Days on behalf of NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investment Office), Tainan City Hall and National Siraya Scenic Area, this year's event will take place on 10/16, starting with Holland bike tour& "Orange Dress Code". And in the following weekend there will be the Garden Party at Anping Tree House during 10/23~24. This is the fourth Holland Days, and we've had the privilege of executing this wonderful event since it's debut in 2007, the attendance rate grew annually as more people are aware of this wonderful event, last year more than 600,000 visitors attended. We hope to see you at this year's Holland Days; for more info, please visit the Tainan Holland Days official website at: www.tainanhollanddays.com

2010年「府城荷蘭日 牽手西拉雅」又要開始了!這是好點子第四次執行由台南市政府、荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處,以及交通部觀光局西拉雅國家風景區管理處合辦的「府城荷蘭日 牽手西拉雅」活動。延續傳統,由荷西遊記在10月16日打頭陣,今年更增加了 “創意造型大賽”的活動,請您發揮創意裝扮您自己或腳踏車。在下一個週末,10月23~24日是園遊會,去年大約有6萬人參與了這個活動,許多去年錯過這個活動的朋友,都等著今年來體驗,好點子提醒您也別錯過了,希望在今年會場也能見到您正玩得瘋狂!
2010年「府城荷蘭日 牽手西拉雅」活動訊息請上:www.tainanhollanddays.com


G-idea Group wins iF 2010 Communication Design Award / 好點子榮獲2010iF設計傳達獎

Very excited to share with you that we have won our second iF Communication design award with the "MC2U" packaging design, following "Again, New Beginning" last year. It was a great encouragement to our design team for all their hard work and creativity, and thanks to all of our collaborators whose patronage and support made this possible for us.



G-idea collaborates with KMC Chain 好點子與桂盟鍊條合作

When KMC contacted us about the possibility of collaborating, we were both stunned and excited, having just read about the article in Common Wealth Magazine about them winning the iF gold award, and their brand innovation process. We are very honored for the opportunity to work with them on their limited edition "Pink Lady" gift box set.

最近我們接到KMC的聯繫談到合作可能性時,令我們覺得非常興奮,因為不久才在天下雜誌看到有關於KMC得到iF金獎,還有公司品牌創新過程的報導。很榮幸有這個機會,為KMC的新限量禮盒Pink Lady進行設計。


G-idea Website 3.0 launches 好點子官網3.0上線

Happy to relaunch the brand new version of G-idea's own official website, not only is this an improvement to our previous website, it also represents the passion and dedication of our web team led by David Lin who found time in their extremely busy schedule to complete this site.



G-idea Group to collaborate with Tainan City Government and Tainan Cultural Center for the new Kun-Xi Wan event.



Taiwan Hot Springs Festival: Jazz Springs / 台灣溫泉美食嘉年華「愛上關子嶺」JAZZ好湯活動

G-idea is to happy to be executing this year's Taiwan Hot Springs Festival, the theme for this year's event is titled "Jazz Springs". We are bringing a lot of exciting live jazz music to the event, along with many other festivities. Look forward to seeing you there!



Visit G-idea on Facebook / 與好點子在臉書見

Facebook users can now visit us online on the G-idea Faebook Page, where we will be posting new updates and photos from G-idea team as well as our works and events. Another great way to connect with us!

臉書使用者可以到G-idea Group的臉書頁面找我們,我們會在我們的臉書頁面上發佈做新的團隊消息、相片、影片,還有我們最新的活動、作品消息。歡迎您也可以用這種新的媒體方式與我們保持連結!


Energy Farm's Online Strategy 統一元氣牧場網路行銷策略

G-idea Group is happy to announce our collaboration with Uni-President's Energy Farm brand to create the premium egg brand's online marketing campaign. Beginning with building the brand's official site, extending to the usage of social networking, multimedia to communicate the brand's "soft" message, creating effective interactions with it's consumers.



Tainan Municipal Cultural Center 25th Anniversary Ticket Design 台南市立文化中心25週年紀念票

G-idea has been asked to design the special commemorative ticket for the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center's 25th Anniversary performance. The first performance to take place inside the main performance hall since improvement renovation this year. G-idea is very honored for this occasion, and plans to come up with a design that director Chen says "people will want to collect and look back on 50 years from now."



Dutch Design Taiwan 荷蘭設計影像展規劃

G-idea Group is to design the Dutch Design Taiwan Exhibition for the NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investment Office). This exhibition will showcase the work of 18 of Holland's top designers. G-idea will be responsible not only for the space design and execution, but also the exhibition's booklet and postcard set design, as well as the video instillation at the exhibition. We are very excited and honored to be able to take part in this wonderful exhibition!

好點子將為荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處(NTIO)規劃Dutch Design Taiwan 荷蘭設計影像展,收集了18位荷蘭設計師的作品,採用作品以及影像的方式呈現。這次從展場的規劃及執行,到展覽手冊的設計製作,現場播放影片的製作,都是好點子團隊的夥伴一手包辦。好點子很興奮且很榮幸可以參與這項相當特別及有意義的展覽!


G-idea collaborates with YSTang on new Brand! 益生堂中藥蜜餞品牌新規劃

G-idea has been asked by YSTang, the century old (since 1882) Herbal brand to design their new herbal plum brand. After the initial discussions, G-idea is happy to find that YSTang, despite being an old brand, has many new and bold ideas for the new brand, we looks forward to working with YSTang on finding a new voice for this extension to a brand that is known and trusted so many.


2009 Tainan Holland Days! 2009 府城荷蘭日牽手西拉雅

G-idea Group is very excited to be the firm in charge of executing the 2009 Tainan Holland Days for the third time in row. We are very happy to be working with the NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investment Office) and Tainan City Hall once again, this year's event is to be bigger and better than the previous 2! Please mark your calendar in October for this year's Tainan Holland Days!
